Selected Genetics Papers

JBS Haldane

Edited by K. Dronamraju.

Garland: New York, 1990.

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Statement by Joshua Lederberg ix

Foreword by James F. Crow xi

Acknowledgements xiii

Introduction by Krishna R. Dronamraju xv

Perspectives in Biology

A Defense of Beanbag Genetics. 1 Perpectives in Biology & Medicine, 7: 3 4 3 -3 5 9 , 1964.

An Autobiography in Brief. 19 Illustrated Weekly of India, Bombay, 1961.

The Theory of Evolution, Before and After Bateson. 25 Journal of Genetics, 56:1-17, 1958.

The Theory of Natural Selection Today. 43 Nature, 183: 7 1 0 -7 13 , 1959.


A Mathematical Theory of Natural and Artificial Selection. Part 1. 57 Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 23: 19-41, 1924.

A Mathematical Theory of Natural and Artificial Selection. Part IV. 81 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 23: 6 0 7 -6 1 5 , 1927a.

A Mathematical Theory of Natural and Artificial Selection, Part V. Selection and Mutation. 90

Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 23: 8 3 8 -8 4 4 , 1927b.

A Note on Fisher’s Theory of the Origin of Dominance, and on a Correlation Between Dominance and Linkage. 97 American Naturalist, 64: 8 7 -9 0 , 1930.

A Mathematical Theory of Natural Selection. Part VIII. Metastable Populations. 101 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 27: 137-142, 1931.

The Time of Action of Genes, and Its Bearing on Some Evolutionary Problems. 107 American Naturalist, 66: 5 -2 4 , 1932.

Suggestions as to Quantitative Measurement of Rates of Evolution. 127 Evolution, 3: 5 1 -5 6 , 1949.

The Measurement of Natural Selection. 133 Caryologia (suppl.), 6: 4 8 0 -4 8 7 , 1954.

The Theory of Selection for Melanism in Lepidoptera. 141 Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, 145: 3 0 3 -3 0 8 , 1956.

The Conflict Between Inbreeding and Selection, 1. Self-Fertilization. 147 Journal of Genetics, 54: 5 6 -6 3 , 1956.

The Cost of Natural Selection 155 Journal of Genetics, 55: 511 -5 2 4 , 1957.

(with S.D. Jayaker) Polymorphism Due to Selection Depending on the Composition of a Population. 169 Journal of Genetics, 58: 3 1 8 -3 2 3 , 1963.

(with S.D. Jayakar) Selection for a Single Pair of Allelomorphs with Complete Replacement. 175 Journal of Genetics, 59: 8 1 -8 7 , 1965.

Mutation and Human Genetics

A Method for Investigating Recessive Characters in Man. 185 Journal of Genetics, 25: 2 5 1 -2 5 5 , 1932.

The Part Played by Recurrent Mutation in Evolution. 191 American Naturalist, 67: 5 -1 9 , 1933.

The Rate of Spontaneous Mutation of a Human Gene. 207 Journal of Genetics, 31: 3 1 7 -3 2 6 , 1935.

The Effect of Variation on Fitness. 217 American Naturalist, 71: 3 3 7 -3 4 9 , 1937.

(with J. Bell) The Linkage Between the Genes for Colour-Blindness and Haemophilia in Man. 231 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 123: 1 1 9 -1 5 0 , 1937.

The Relative Importance of Principal and Modifying Genes in Determining Some Human Diseases. 263 Journal of Genetics, 41: 1 4 9 -1 5 7 , 1941.

Selection against Heterozygosis in Man. 273 Annual of Eugenics, 11: 3 3 3 -3 4 0 , 1942.

The Interaction of Nature and Nurture. 281 Annual of Eugenics, 13: 1 9 7 -2 0 5 , 1946.

The Mutation Rate of the Gene for Haemophilia, and Its Segregation Ratios in Males and Females. 291 Annual of Eugenics, 13, 2 6 2 -2 7 1 , 1947.

The Formal Genetics of Man. 301 Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, 135: 147-170, 1948.

Disease and Evolution. 325 La ricerca scientifica, supplement, 19: 2 -1 1 , 1949.

The Association of Characters as a Result of Inbreeding and Linkage. 335 Annual of Eugenics, 15: 1 5 -2 3 , 1949.

Parental and Fraternal Correlations for Fitness. 345 Annual of Eugenics, 14: 2 8 8 -2 9 2 , 1949.

(with S.D. Jayakar) An Enumeration of Some Human Relationships. 351 Journal of Genetics, 58: 8 1 -1 0 7 , 1962.


(with A.D. Sprunt and N.M. Haldane) Reduplication in Mice. 381 Journal of Genetics, 5: 133-135.

The Combination of Linkage Values, and the Calculation of Distances Between the Loci of Linked Factors. 385 Journal of Genetics, 8: 2 9 9 -3 0 9 , 1919.

(with C.H. Waddington) Inbreeding and Linkage. 397 Genetics, 16: 3 5 7 -3 7 4 , 1931.

(with D. de Winton) Linkage in the Tetraploid Primula Sinensis. 415 Journal of Genetics, 24: 121-144, 1931.

Biochemical Genetics and Immunogenetics

Some Recent Work on Heredity. 441 Transactions of the Oxford University Junior Scientific Club, 1 (3): 3 -1 1 , 1920.

The Genetics of Cancer. 451 Nature, 132: 2 6 5 -2 6 7 , 1933.

The Detection of Antigens with an Abnormal Genetic Determination. 455 Journal of Genetics, 54: 5 4 -5 5 , 1956.

Radiation Genetics

The Dysgenic Effect of Induced Recessive Mutations. 459 Annual of Eugenics, 14: 3 5 -4 3 , 1947.

The Detection of Autosomal Lethals in Mice Induced by Mutagenic Agents. 469 Journal of Genetics, 54: 3 2 7 -3 4 2 , 1956.

The Detection of Sublethal Recessives by the Use of Linked Marker Genes in the Mouse (appendix to T.C. Carter’s paper). 485 Journal of Genetics, 55: 5 9 6 -597, 1957.

The Interpretation of Carter’s Results on Induction of Recessive Lethals in Mice. 487 Journal of Genetics, 57: 131-136, 1960.

Haldane’s Rule

Sex-ratio and Unisexual Sterility in Hybrid Animals. 495 Journal of Genetics, 12: 101-109, 1922.

Origins of Life

The Origin of Life. 507 Rationalist Annual, pp. 1-11, 1929.

Systems of Predication

The Syadvada System of Predication. 521 Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, 18: 195-200, 1957. Science Citation Index 1988 527

Bibliography of J.B.S. Haldane’s Publications 529